Saturday, August 18, 2012

5 simple steps to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood

You can lower cholesterol without drugs by following some basic steps that do not change the proportion of cholesterol, but also improve your health today and in the future. In many cases, we use a prescription medication, and we hope to address all the ills magically us. The fact is drugs for lowering cholesterol do work. The problem is both short-term side effects in the long term.
Even more dangerous than the side effects of drugs to lower cholesterol is not receiving cholesterol under control. With the passage of time, can lead to high cholesterol in the blood of many conditions the heart and arteries, not the least of which hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), stroke or heart attack.

Here are 5 steps you can take today to lower cholesterol without prescription drugs.

Healthy eating. It may seem simple, but the diet has a significant impact on lowering cholesterol that it should be the number one factor that you are looking to see if high cholesterol is hereditary or the issue of food choices. A diet low in cholesterol and high fat low is the first step toward lowering cholesterol.

Exercise. Improve the health of the heart and blood vessels is a step toward reversing the effects of high cholesterol in the blood. Exercise in itself is not less cholesterol directly, but would enhance the blood circulation of the heart and sole.

To quit smoking. Accelerate if you smoke, the Panel accumulate in the arteries as a result of high cholesterol in the blood. When the blocks Panel should blood flow to the heart muscle work harder to get oxygen. This can lead to a heart attack. If the arteries become completely blocked with plaque from high cholesterol in the blood, can occur stroke.

Relax. That chronic stress can affect cholesterol levels in the blood. If you are constantly stressed and follow a diet low in cholesterol, you can not see an improvement in cholesterol readings until you learn to relieve stress.

Talk to your doctor. Not all doctors are quick to prescribe medication. In fact, the more enlightened doctors will help you form a diet plan and exercise to suit your overall health and current abilities as a first step toward lowering cholesterol. It is always important to ask your doctor if your decision to follow a specific diet or exercise plan is right for you. Also, do not stop taking the medication without consulting your doctor. You can reduce your cholesterol with diet and exercise, and under the supervision of a doctor, see about removing drugs from the process.

It does not take a long time to see a noticeable improvement in the proportion of cholesterol. And can lower cholesterol you have in a few weeks.

4 simple ways to relieve headaches

The presence of annoying, and it is sometimes difficult for us to avoid. It seemed the most headaches when we are under pressure, automatically. If it gets worse, we can weak because of the pain we felt.
The headache is a condition of mild to severe pain in the head. Can also be attacked in the back or upper neck. There are different types of headaches, but most of the time and headaches caused by tension, long before the noise, and the computer, and others.

One of the main causes of headaches is the tension in the muscles of the neck, scalp and jaw. We usually deal with it by taking a little sleep-cons or more of aspirin to release our pain. However, we can do it anywhere?

Obviously, we can not sleep in the office or the mall. In addition, we can arrange headaches when aspirin hit us.

Do not worry! The best way to deal with headaches, we can do a massage that is everywhere. Massage is the practice of pressure or vibration in the soft tissues of the body, to heal injury, relieve psychological stress, manage pain, improve circulation and relieve tension.

When you suffer from headaches, we can help you self-massage. Simple and everyone can do, whether at work or at home.

Here are four ways to massage to treat headaches for us.

1. Rub your eyes - close your eyes. Put your middle fingers to your eyes that are above the cheekbones. Massage the area gently but firmly in a circular motion for 1 minute,

2. Eyes to massage the nose - the use of thumb, go to the bottom of the eyebrows (the long bone on the top of the eye socket). This is where the bone meets the bridge of the nose and eyes and find the point where there is a small footprint. Very gentle pressure, press your thumb into the points. You can do this four times before holding and press that area for 10 seconds in all the newspapers.

3. Neck massage - Massage the point where you can feel it by moving the middle fingers of your hands on the back of your head and feel the base of your skull. Specifically, in the neck tops that match the base of your skull. Massage for a few minutes using the fingertips in gentle circular movements.

4. Scalp massage - Let your palms of your hands massaging the scalp on top of the skull gently for one minute.

Once you've done all those massages, start taking a deep breath. Raise your shoulders toward your ears for five to 10 seconds remaining to relieve pain, and then allow them to return to lower the natural attitude.

You will feel better when you can do it for a couple of times. And massage your head and alleviate the headache feel less heavy.

4 steps to relieve back pain

Michael c. Homan is a Reiki Master and studies natural methods such as acupressure Healthing, electrical acupuncture, and thinking, and crystal therapy, magnetic suction of China, has its own e-book, 4 Steps to Back pain-free! And has a website dedicated to health-related health issues and techniques of physical therapy.

Studied and taken courses in acupressure. Studied some chiropractic. I looked also at the psychological issues to do with the pain and medical problems. I am also a Master Reiki.

So now that you have something from my experience and what fuel my writing ... Jump to the actual content.

Will condense this article for convenience since it is a combination of four major studies in themselves, but you get my e-book or read my articles full of my website, which is

Found that 4 major things play an important role in your health thorns.

First, there is the situation. I know that this is not the first time I heard it, but it must be said again and again.

Note the position while sitting, standing and sleeping. Begin to take a note of your posture at all times. If you were not directly, then start working on fixing it.

If you sleep in a position like I did in the past, with both hands under your pillow during the development of on your side, you can pinch a nerve in the neck if your shoulder is the arm, which begins to relax and tends toward the head or neck. It would be best to put your arms above your lower leg while one hand under your pillow.

If you can, and get some pillows in different thicknesses for the night. I do not know about you, but I can not be the highest level, the pillow soft when it put on my back. But put a thin pillow gives me neck hurts when I put on both sides.

The second thing on the list we have flexibility in your back.

What do you want to do when you notice your back goes out a lot and you experience pinched nerves, is to get your spine back into alignment and flexibility.

Of course, if you feel a chiropractor is your best choice, by all means get one. But think about your progress if you have your back if you are in need than ever before. It's not that hard!

If you are in pain for the time being, put ice or heat on the spot until the pain seems to be declining.

Not, under any circumstances exercise any one of your temper inflamed or swollen!

For your back more flexible than you may want to know the Kundalini yoga. All styles of yoga are similar to those seen on television, where they twist up. Kundalini yoga and exercises are very good and useful that are designed to help the flexibility of the spine. Kundalini yoga is a means of spiritual help before meditation as well.

It is very important to strengthen your back and surrounding muscles. This is the third step in the back healthy.

Do not sit-ups is one such practice, you do not have to do many of the sit down until you feel you can ... Step by step.

Taking all these things and slow down the pace of your body. Your body will let you know how it feels. Pain is a warning signal.

Just remember ... Taking the pills for the pain is when you really need. But also remember that does not fix the problem, they only mask the warning sign, they stop simply a warning sign, but not the underlying problem.

Health is more than just good nutrition. One must consider the mental health, the environment, and many other factors. It is not easy for any doctor to diagnose the problem and the full treatment, especially if it has its roots in psychological problems has not been examined and the weather, and became a physical problem.

The fourth and final step in back health is to start a daily routine and stretching. You

Cats and dogs seen stretching when you wake up, try it for yourself!

The key is to maintain health is part of a flexible active and strong, and well tolerated by the stomach and back muscles. You may need to find this balance between the two sides, as I said, be very strong in one area will pull another.

Each person is unique and different in many areas. Therefore, I have never worked for someone else will work for you. You may have to rely on the information to someone else and integrated into the agenda of your personal.

I advise you to learn more about acupressure and maintain pain when burning.

I have found I can manage pain by using acupressure, simply by pressing on certain areas of the body. But this is something I suggest you seek professional help or to look for someone acupuncture, or taking a course in acupressure, as I did.

4 natural remedies to relieve pain from sunburn

At one time or another, we all suffered the effects of sunburn - be the turn or burn, burn heavier.
Despite the sting of regret of inadequate protection (from exposure to ultraviolet light) and can be an excellent catalyst for scheduling events more closely, "the future" is a little help in soothing the immediate physical sting (ie pain) sunburn that accompanies it.

But if you "found yourself having spent too much time in the sun, - here 4 natural remedies to help relieve pain from sunburn, and assist in the process of wound healing in the body :

1. It is known that fatty acids and lactic acid in milk has soothing for sunburned skin qualities - cold milk compresses. Dip a soft cloth or cotton gauze in cold whole milk, and dab carefully burn the skin. Do this for about 20 minutes, and followed by rinsing with cold water. (Because of the importance of the fat content of milk, and it is important to use whole milk in this treatment).

2. Cold, and tea without sugar: - The tannin in tea is the active ingredient here, which helps to soothe and relieve the discomfort of sunburned skin. After stirring a large pot of tea, and cool completely, Shake-affected areas with a soft sponge or towel. As with the vinegar (4), you can also fill a spray bottle, and tea directly to the skin. Do not dispose of used tea bags (cold). This is good, especially in sensitive areas around the eyes - simply put the bags on your eyes, if they feel hot and tired. (If you have "wort", consider using it because it has cooling properties, which can help relieve some of the heat in your skin and the calming of the nerve endings damaged by strokes sun).

3. Aloe Vera is commonly used to treat sunburn: - Aloe Vera. In addition to providing soothing relief, it may also help in the healing process. Apply to affected areas as needed. Although the gel extracted directly from the aloe vera plant works best if you do not have easy access to one, was used "without prescription" cream containing aloe vera gel. For this to be effective, and to ensure that only the cream contains a high proportion of Aloe Vera that is water solutions or other.

4. Water: - When exposed to sunlight, your body body loses water and essential salts. Drought occurs when the body loses a lot of fluids, and begins to reabsorb fluid from the blood and other body tissues. To avoid the consequences of drought, increase the amount of liquid sufficient to ensure re-hydrate the body for optimum recovery and health.

We must, of course, sunburn can be avoided whenever possible - especially harmful and it affects not only the damage to the skin, but also increase the risk of skin cancer. It should be for the prevention and protection is always the best treatment for sunburn, and help ensure your long term health optimally!

Conditions: This is the home remedy advice and should not replace your health care provider regularly. If you are in doubt at any time from sunburn, please seek appropriate assistance, health care.

5 reasons to reduce the large and the prevention of thyroid disorders

Reason # 1
The thyroid gland regulates the rate of energy production in the cells of the body. Thyroid disorders reduces the body's metabolism and makes you feel slow.

Reason # 2

Thyroid disorders also increases the risk of degenerative diseases such as heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and the risk of generalized infection. In severe cases, it can be to the level of energy in body cells do not retain even the basic metabolism, creating a potentially fatal condition.

Reason # 3

A major problem with thyroid disorders is to be ignored in many cases, the diagnostic tests. Even if tests show that you do not have a thyroid disorder, you may still be at risk. If your body is too acid, increase the risk of thyroid disorders.

Reason 4

So even if it were not been diagnosed with thyroid disorders, it is important to check the pH of the year for your body, and to take measures other food, and to reduce the level of acid in the body.

Reason # 5

You will only succeed in reducing your chances of developing thyroid disorders or a thyroid disorder in the worst of it. Will improve your overall health, and reduce exposure to degenerative disease.


Accumulation of acids in the body, due to insufficient digestion of food, food allergies and consumption of acid forming substances, can cause thyroid disorders. Acid related causes of thyroid disorders and also include exposure to heavy metals and toxic chemicals in water and processed foods in too. When the level of acid in the body rises too high, and will be a function of depression, thyroid and your metabolism will slow.

The lack of digestive enzymes, also caused by over-processed foods, and cause more of thyroid disorders. Further decline in the body's ability to neutralize acids. As you get older, the more toxins you are exposed to more likely, and will develop a thyroid disorder if you have not already.

And the damage

With thyroid disorders, and body cells and organs do not metabolize quickly as it should. The presence of excess acid compounds the problem. And will bypass the body's cells and organs with acid that they need to eliminate, but the disorder of your thyroid gland will reduce their ability to deal with these acids. Acid, in turn, perpetuate or exacerbate thyroid disorder you have.

For example, a slow thyroid reinforces the digestive problems that cause acid to accumulate in your body. Because of thyroid disorder slows the process of cellular metabolism, it reduces the body's ability to dispose of waste acid. Most of the material acidified you consume, the more this cycle is repeated.

Disorders of thyroid function and also reduces your immune system, leading to chronic infection. With the accumulation of acid in the body, the infection spreads rapidly, increasing the body's ability to neutralize acids.

As with other organs, and thyroid needs glucose and oxygen to function. When acid waste accumulates in the bloodstream, and can these vital substances can not pass. Without enough oxygen and glucose, is low thyroid function. And disorders of the thyroid gland caused reduces the body's ability to clear the blood of these acids that prevent oxygen and glucose to pass through.

Benefits of neutral

Because thyroid discover causes a lot of other degenerative diseases, and thyroid functioning properly can restore health in many other areas of the body. When you neutralize the acids in the body and eliminate acid-forming substances from your diet, you give the thyroid gland have a chance to heal. Improve the functions of the thyroid gland, in turn, helps the other organs of the body to function properly.

To neutralize acids and restore the pH balance of your body, you need to reduce or eliminate consumption of acidic foods and other acidic materials. You can add more alkaline foods and minerals to your diet helps to restore thyroid disorders. As the level of acid is located, you'll find that your thyroid function will increase. And metabolism in your body to increase accordingly, and will be able to neutralize acids even further. Will be restored to the final outcome of health, high energy, and decreased risk of thyroid disorders.

5 Easy Ways to uplift the spirit

What are you doing?
Fortunately for me there was always curious to know what exists in the world of alternatives, including alternative therapies. I have tried many of them over the years, and continue to do so, all the hope I can make things better for my mind, body and spirit. And it has.

I am aware that what works for me may not work for someone else, so the message is to keep trying until you find something that suits your needs.

I have said repeatedly that they had tried everything. What is it? What can be boiled, in fact down to count on one hand. It is useful to keep searching, you may find that your world expands most amazing way of making new friends (and me) and useful skills for your "self healing" tool kit.

So what do I do when you have to cross the road and need some advice, or could do with some healing?

I have listed below the five basic points, which have helped to lift my spirit and practice will also help you:

1. Meditation! Meditation is one of the best self-healing tools available and costs nothing except a little of your time! There are many meditation techniques out there, find one that suits you and start.

Putting music and meditation to spend some quiet time in meditation can calm you and reconnect you with most aspects of yourself.

2. Aromatherapy and essential oils.

Rebalancing and renewal of the spirit by mixing a selection of essential oils and the aromatherapy oil burner. I found the following combination works very well when there is a need for support, care and healing:

About an hour before bed place a few drops of the following in the aromatherapy oil burner with a little water (for safety reasons, turn off the flame before it is turned on the lights at night):

4 drops Jasmine

Rose 4 drops

4 drops Nierule

3 drops of lavender

3 drops of bergamot

Feel divine! I use it occasionally, and not just sleep like a baby, but the anxiety and tension disappears, as if the weight of the world have been lifted from my shoulders the next morning! (If you have a small room you may want to half the amount of drops)

3. Breathe! Stand with feet shoulder-distance. Take three slow, deep breaths using the diaphragm muscles. Breathe through your nose and exhale through the mouth of little distinction. As you do this, imagine you are inhaling the strength of character, and the mobilization of all cells in the body, from your diaphragm up your head.

Be a force of nature and see how much bigger, straighter and stronger you become. Repeat the above steps.

4. To be at present. Taking a deep breath several times and fully concentrate on the moment, at that time.

If you read a book or magazine, or even this article, focus entirely on the words and take in the meaning. Only you and this article now in the present moment.

If you are in the workplace, focus totally on the task at hand, and the only task of this, and what to do to achieve this goal. Nothing else matters except you and the task at hand.

5. Select an intention. I developed when I'm on the lookout for something new and useful for me, my intention for what it is I'm after.

For example, you might want to find a book that will give me answers in regards to direct the data to another form of healing or jurisdiction. Then meditate on this intention, and given a period of time and then open my heart to do so. Now I'm having a book in my hands in no time! I love the power of intention - I also use faith in order to get a parking space when I go shopping!

These days I rarely get sick, and when I do and undergo a medical examination, doctors tell me I'm actually very healthy (we're sure they can find something I can get some sympathy from here!) Who also includes the results of blood test.

I always do sadness and unhappiness well (I'm still a human being) but that does not last long, whereas in the past that is expected to last several days or even weeks. Which lasts for a long period is a peaceful state.

When using five points above, and raises my soul and life becomes more peaceful and joyful.

5 ways to calm the low cost of the sting of sunburn

Each one of us has probably at least one bad memory of sunburn. Whether experienced personally, or by a family member or close friend, and symptoms may include anything from red hot skin - either tender or painful to touch, to dehydration, nausea, and the formation of blistering and flaking or peeling of the skin.
As all experienced bad sunburn will verify the amount of time spent causing the sunburn, a disproportionately large part to the length of time that could be spent to suffer the consequences of its effects. In this regard, and depending on the severity of burns - Pain and discomfort may last for several days after the event, as the body tries to heal and recover from exposure to ultraviolet rays without protection.

However, symptoms are severe (in this case you may need to consider medical treatment), here are 5 simple treatments that will not cost you almost nothing, and to soothe the sting and pain of sunburn:

1. Cold baths: - Soaking in a bath of freshness * is one of the best ways to extract the heat from the skin and soothe the pain and discomfort of sunburn. (Avoid "cold", as this can cause the body into a state of shock.) Here are some other things to be added to the bath to ease further:

A. Add 10 drops of this bath (lavender or chamomile) essential oil. Soak for 15 minutes or until they feel relief.

B. You can add baking soda (or oatmeal) to a lukewarm bath also relieve pain from sunburn. For this treatment to work best, in an attempt to ensure that all affected areas were flooded. The bath water can be poured over the body using hands or a soft towel. It can burn areas of the face stored with a little piece of cloth, or alternately you can spray water directly on your face. After soaking, gently pat the skin dry with a soft towel (preferably cotton). If you take the oatmeal bath, let the light coating oatmeal to stick to your skin remain.

C. He added that the vinegar to bath water helps take the sting of sunburn.

2. Rubbing alcohol: - Because it evaporates very quickly, and touch in rubbing alcohol cools quickly and ease the pain of sunburned skin.

3. Vinegar - Vinegar is an effective treatment and cooling to sunburn. Soak towels with it, and apply to burned areas. Instead, you can fill a spray bottle and spray directly on the skin as needed.

4. Egg whites: - If the burn is painful is your hot, separating the whites from egg yolks and dissemination to the affected area and will help cool the burn immediately. This can be repeated as often as necessary.

5. Potatoes: - It can also be potatoes can be used to relieve pain from sunburn. Take 2 potatoes and wash them well. Cut into small pieces and put them in a blender to liquefy. (If the result seems too dry, add a little water). Pat in the affected areas with potato juice. Wait until dry, then rinse in a cool shower or bath.

Remember, as well as causing varying degrees of discomfort and pain, and repeated exposure to sunlight and sunburn also accelerates the aging process, and may increase the risk of cataracts and skin cancer. It should always be considered a ban on dealing with it better!

Warning: These are home remedy tips only and should not replace your health care standard. If you are in doubt at any time for sunburn, please seek help from health care.

Live a healthy life

Maybe in the hectic world we live in to be easy to neglect our health and wellbeing. We're so busy racing through our daily life - family, friends, work and social engagements - that we do not take the time to take care of ourselves. It's really not surprising that many of us tired and running. What are the simple things we can do to improve the quality of our lives?
Drink drink alcohol ...

You've probably heard this a million times, you will probably hear more and millions of people - Drink more water!

Think about it: The human body is water 72%. 5% decrease in the fluid creates a loss in energy of 25-30%. Reduced by 15% in the liquid causes the death! At that time 66% of us do not drink enough water, so more than half of the population does not work on all six cylinders to begin with - before things like bad air and bad food and stress take their toll.

It's not really a difficult thing to treat. Drink a cup just an hour and a half or so of water - or 10-12 glasses of water a day - and you'll notice a huge jump in your energy levels.

Living food - love life!

It is a well known fact is that heating food above 116 degrees Fahrenheit destroys much of the nutritional content. On the grounds that we already do not eat enough vegetables, and this is a big problem a bit. Nutrition experts recommend five servings of vegetables per day. How many of us actually follow this advice?

A great way to get nutrients from fresh vegetables without having to spend all day in the oven or eating celery sticks is to juice your vegetables first. Make sure you have a good juicer (some juicers expose vegetables to heat caused by friction during juicing, which breaks down important enzymes), take some fresh vegetables and drink your way good health. It takes a fraction of the time (there is no cooking involved, for one thing) and it is comfortable. You can take your juice to work, and even gives some littlies for school lunches!

Wheatgrass in particular is an excellent source of nutrition. This is a high proportion of chlorophyll (sometimes described as "the blood of the plant, because it looks like a human red blood cell molecules) and has over 100 elements needed by the body. Fresh Berries are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.

Energy - energy from

Exercise is another dirty word for most of us. The thing is, the practice should not be a terrible waste of time or boring mind staggering. There are many options.

A few years ago, the gym gym usually offer, aerobics and circuits may tydro. Now you can add water aerobics, yoga, Pilates, dance ercise, step classes, and a full range of training options again.

If you do not really have time or money to the gym, or if you prefer to spend your morning / nights at home, and try the exercise bike or Walker. I'd be lost without my exercise bike - I am ready at the front of the TV and walked away merrily through favorite programs.

If, like me, you have an illness or injury or fitness level is very low, you might consider valuable advice I received from my doctor:

Once you are physically fit, especially if you are fine, too, can be a huge battle just to the most minimum amount of exercise in one day. The danger is that inactivity leads to further loss of energy, which becomes a permanent circle so that you can barely get off the couch.

A great way to return to the routine physical is scheduled to start slowly. Ridiculously slow, it may seem. For the first two weeks, walk / ride for 5 minutes a day - exactly 5 minutes, no more, even if you think you can continue. When you reach the two weeks, an increase of 7 minutes and 10 minutes, 12 minutes ... Continue to gradually increase your activity until you're at you're happy.

It may seem silly to some extent, but it works. In fact, you trick your body produce more energy. You build your time to exercise slowly so that your body does not really understand what is happening. Follow this way, and before you know it, you'll be comfortably exercising within the borders of each day.

So, people, and that's the point. If you can rearrange your life a little to allow for better eating habits and exercise a little, and if you do not forget to drink one glass of water every hour and half, you must be on his way to live a healthy life. On a final note, remember to take some quiet time for yourself. Meditation is a great way to reduce stress. You do not have to sit for hours, and give you only 5 minutes of quiet time each day - even in the bathroom, if that is the only place you can get a break - and be a little catch up with yourself.

Last but not least, laugh! In fact, laugh like the color - the stronger the better! You will be amazed at how such a simple question that can cheer you up!

"A terrible myth Grips America"

Terrible myth keeps people in the world in its grip. Clergy, lawyers, architects, scientists and great men, celebrities, doctors (especially doctors), and university professors, people from the middle class, working class people, people of all nationalities, are its victims.
I was one for 43 years. I really and truly believed that what the doctor told me that never in doubt and the Bible.

What are these myths? Can be found on the health and conservation, and disease "cured" by drugs, medicines and treatments. Not taken to investigate the pain, and unbiased, and this belief is absurd and frightening.

So what we have is a doctor, nurses and pharmacies (by the way we did not "pharmacies", no more than that. Call themselves "Pharmacies" I just make sure that the directory the phone.) Other medical specialists to participate in all these false hopes.

Terrible suffering and grief are the common lot of mankind, except a few who liberated themselves from the myth.

I consider myself to be in line with the health of the natural and naturopathic doctors, and we believe that it is amazing just can not ignore the simple facts that we have in general for that. And that people come to make such a big myth.

When the theory is presented for the health of ways to "treat" or something that they will "find a cure, so give us more money," We are human beings, and these stories serve as a great triumph of "science"

Having violated the first principles of the science of right at the beginning and the general theory of this kind.

If it is written, and points 1, which developed in the simple rules of health, and the means by which disease prevention and cure of diseases that can occur, and magazines are the Orthodox little traffic and very high print.

For example, in 1980, when after suffering for 43 years with arthritis, and within weeks I was free of this debilitating disease, I took my book to the regional meeting of the Arthritis Foundation. I was ecstatic that I think with this book, which can fulfill his promise that if we send them more money will find a cure.

What a disaster. My husband dropped me at the entrance to the hotel and went to park the car. When I arrived at the entrance to find two guards walking around outside. My body.

We are in a state of shock. They told me they do not want this type of book in their meeting.

Since then, I have more than 310.000 copies all over the world and receive calls and emails every day thanked me for changing their lives.

This is primarily for people like me who believe that health experts believe natural, to spread the word. In 1980, there were about 6500 was 100 doctors tell their patients what I'm saying here is true. Two of them are named in my book "Healing my arthritis you can too." Today in 2006, and there are thousands of others.

It's surprisingly simple for us.

Eat good food, and breathe good air, drink pure water, exercise and maintain optimistic and pleasant thoughts, and thus is in good health. Gave our cells and give the proper nutrition and our immune systems become like God to us first. And the rebuilding of our immune system and our body and we will not enjoy the freedom from this disease.

There are now millions who have begun to rebel against what might be called the atrocities suffered as a result of this myth.

Many of those who suffer from this disease and is subject to the treatments and toxins, respectively. Drugs in large containers with a skull and crossbones them, but when we have a few bottles as "There are no prescriptions

Said my mother on the day 30 of the type of products to use aluminum as a cheap deodorant. I did, I think it was a contributing factor in the way that may change in subsequent years. Aluminum is causing Alzheimer's disease.

Although the drugs can get temporary relief immediately, and you will feel and know that this disease has become more dangerous.

I do not have final figures, but look around. In the early 1900 was not known in practice to the presence of heart problems. Were not spent time on this subject in medical schools. Today all the major diseases, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, and the list goes on and on regardless of the minor. In 1960 was one in 20 rheumatoid arthritis. Now is 1 in every 3

The same thing with cancer. Now, children are common. Heart problems, they kill us faster than ever before. And I will try to find those numbers.

The only countries is the way to the bottom of the world as a nation healthy. Do not know many people with many health problems at this stage? Baby boomers are filling our hospitals with more than the disease.

I take my son to the hospital, and the Department of Veterans Affairs because it is from the days of the Vietnam War, and people see him in his life in tatters. Amputees weight gain, and diabetes all over the world.

I felt that since 1980 I have a duty to tell people on the other. I've done lectures and TV and radio. Now I can provide this leaflet. I get people asking me to unsubscribe because of my teachings.

The phone rings my daily work with people calling, yelling, telling me of the 5, 6.8 different drugs are taken. Despite the known requirements. I ask each and every one of them goes out of control, "pharmacy" on each of the drugs taken and read in the last page.

Speak well for their doctors.

What he preaches in one paragraph?

Give the body what it needs vitamins, minerals, enzymes, exercise, and drink purified water, do not let negative thoughts or people in their lives and feed the cells of our immune system to restore the work that God wanted him to do.

This is to be in a state of health.

If our immune system is not receiving adequate food, and we are in trouble.

What happens overnight? You can not stop taking the medications you take on without the consent and help of your doctor. Can have many side effects that occur too.

Did not get where you are at night. We will not enter the state of health during the night. But now, by the summer or you do not even know.

Repeat the start of cellular health promotion, and get the muscles strong, clear breathing, increase energy levels and the ability of the body.

And access to dietary supplements which are nutritional supplements Nutraceutical developed. Have an impact on your health today. Feel the results and access to health services vibrant.

Beware of what the Bible teaches food. Moderation in the foundation of everything.

Stop this crazy habit of all cooked foods and foods pre-made. We got in the habit of fasting is the best. Fast is not the best. It costs more in dollars when you buy it, and the cost of thousands of medical bills later.

Print this cast in the likeness of your mind. "I am solely responsible for what you eat and drink and do. And I am one who can make changes so I can live, play and have a happy life free of disease."

If you will help this situation to be your own doctor has a great service. And most of its energy and it's hard to help you.

Stop looking for a quick solution. It is not.

I getup every morning thankful for my health. And my state of mind and love for my family. I look forward to each day with joy.

To look at problems as they come only in order to solve the problem.

I am working on a solution. If you can not fix or change the mentality that I have a box to put these things in and I lock it.

I leave anything negative in my space. If a negative thought arises in the hunt, and I have.

You can do this? Of course. Let me know how to change your life.

I am here to help you and help you enjoy life. Healthier and happier

The best of health,
Margie "Our Lady of rheumatism."